Welcome to the fifth and final concert of the 2022 Elollinen Concert Series at Talvipuutarha!
The 2022 series is funded by the Sibelius Academy Foundation and by the City of Helsinki.
All concerts are free and open to the public. All concerts begin around 12:15 and last for an hour.
Duo Plucié d'Orsi & Duo quietSpeaker
La / Sat 24.9.2022
Andrea Mancianti, sound artist
Paola Livorsi, electronics
Marek Waldemar Pluciennik, live cinema
Part one will be a solo performance by composer, performer and sound artist Andrea Mancianti.
Part two is an audiovisual performance of remote/displaced for e.cello, baritone guitar and live electronics
Marek Waldemar Pluciennik (FI/PL) is a Polish/Canadian filmmaker and cinema artist based in Helsinki. His work focuses on the material and ephemeral nature of the film medium. In his latest works, he interfaces traditional projectors with digital microcontrollers as he explores visual motion perception in the frame-based medium. The works are a meditative study at the extreme boundaries of apparent movement. Pluciennik refers to it as a liminal flicker, where the viewers' motion perception is tested by a "meltdown" of classic motion perception; a similar phenomenon to liminal space, where an empty space can feel unsettling and familiar at the same time.
Paola Livorsi (IT/FIN) is a composer and doctoral candidate in Sibelius Academy, Centre for Music and Technology. In her artistic research Human voice and instrumental voice: an investigation of voicelikeness, she explores the boundaries of voice and string instrument, collaborating with artists from other disciplines and experimenting with various spatial settings. She has been working with Pluciennik since 2016.
Paola on väitöskirjatutkija ihmisäänen ja instrumentaalisen äänen välisestä suhteesta sekä säveltäjä. Hänen monitaiteellisissa projekteissa ääni, liike ja musiikkiteknologia nivoutuvat toisiinsa. Paola on aktiivinen monikulttuuristen taiteilijayhteisöjen vaikuttaja. Hän on utelias kokeilija ja tekee mielellään yhteistyötä muiden taiteenalojen taiteilijoiden kanssa. Hän on kiinnostunut taiteesta ja yhteisöllisyydestä.
Andrea Mancianti is a composer, performer and sound artist mostly devoted to experimental sonic arts. He studied composition with Rosario Mirigliano in the Conservatory of Florence and holds an MA in composition and music technology from the same conservatory (2012) and a Bachelor in Philosophy from La Sapienza, Rome (2006). He also completed the IRCAM Cursus in Paris (2013-2014). Currently Mancianti is a PhD candidate in the department of Media at Aalto University researching case-specific sonic experiences.
For more on the concert series, please visit the series webpage.
For more on Talvipuutarha, please visit their webpage.
Follow Elollinen Concert series on Instagram! @elollinenhki