Visualizing Music
Pe / Fri 17.9.2021, 12:15-13:15
Esiintyjät / Performers
Iryna Gorkun-Silén, hiulu / flute
Janne Valkeajoki, harmonikka / accordio
Aino Koski, taitelija / artist
Ohjelma / Program
Claude Debussy Syrinx (1913)
J.S. Bach Partita in A minor for solo flute (1722-1723)
Jean-Philippe Rameau L’entretien des muses for accordion (1724)
Heinz Holliger (é)cri(t) (2005-2006)
Erkki Jokinen Rise 5 for flute and accordion (2002)
Cecilia Damström Groove op.38 for flute and accordion (2015)
A core idea of the concert is to explore the limits, both technical and expressive of the flute. The concert will also feature visual art, which will be created live during the concert. The idea of combining music with visual art stems from the realisation that the two art forms were closely intertwined in France during the beginning of the twentieth century. This has inspired Gorkun-Silén to explore the interconnectedness of music and visual art.